You might be tired of hearing about my garden by now but I will continue on because ... well just because.
I ruined my potatoes. I dug some up, most of them were very small. But they did make great mashed potatoes. I thought they were done, toast, finito when the flowers died so I dug up the potatoes and pulled the plants. Later I found out that was the wrong thing to do. So I have started over. Luckily I had a bunch of potatoes growing eyes in my kitchen cabinet all ready to go.
We picked all of our snap peas, most of them never made it to the table. They were eaten right there in the garden. I pulled them and stuck them in the compost because I think they are done and I needed the wire fence dome thingy for my cucumbers anyway. Which are going crazy by they way. We also have a volunteer pumpkin or squash or something that is HUGE! I don't know yet what it will grow, but there are lots of big orange flowers so we will know soon enough. So I wouldn't really say that we are feeling the bounty right now but I have a feeling that once all of the cucumbers,tomatoes and peppers are in we will.
Did I mention that we would like to make a little farm stand in stead of a lemonade stand in the front of the yard?. I'd like to build the kids a little wooden stand like this one from Charlie Brown. I think it would be cool to paint the sign parts with chalkboard paint so they can change them to fit the occasion.