So we finally made one, I still need to figure out what to do with the stuff I moved to make it though. I was very pleased to find these shadow boxes at my dollar store. They were $3 each, go figure. Still a great deal in my book. Alex is the main organizer of these things. He really enjoys collecting things and finding out what they are. Since the weather has been perfect here the last few day I have done very little sewing this week (except for the 20 minute skirt I sewed in my underwear while getting ready to go this morning) anyway this is going to delay my shop update a bit. I think I will work on this some during the weekend. Who knows, maybe it will rain and I will be stuck inside. Here in Chicago we sort of grab on to our lovely weather with two hands and hold on tight for fear that it can turn at any given moment, especially in the spring. We have very few months of the year where the weather is neither too hot or too cold. It reminds me of this poem I wrote a long time ago, I don't know if I ever posted it here, but don't laugh o.k?
Oh, Sweet Eternity Goddess,
Please incubate our Spring,
Beneath gorgeous white petals of Winter.
Let her whisper for Summer.
After the
rain floods your gown.