I can't believe my baby is One! This time last year we were just getting to know each other. I could do nothing but look at his sweet sleeping face, and now he is about to walk. I still enjoy our quiet times where we sit together and he nurses to sleep, But as he gets older they are farther and fewer between. He will always be my baby anyway. I love my sweet baby boy Benny. One of my favorite things is the beautiful swirl of downy hair that all of my babies have had, so soft and light. I love the way light hits his little head as we walk in the sun.
Did I mention that it is now snowing? not enough to stick but its here! The light snowy flurries remind me of when I was little and we had to go pick up my Dad at the airport, since he travelled he often came home around Christmas time, and so the feeling and the sight of light snow flurries fills my heart with excitement for the holidays, being with family and the new season ahead.
Here is my poem of season I wrote a couple years ago, I often think of it as the seasons change.
It may not be the best poetry in the world but I like it. Oh, and don't worry I haven't gone and started a strange cult or something. "Sweet eternity goddess" is in reference to mother nature.
Dear Sweet eternity Goddess,
Please incubate our Spring,
beneath gorgeous white petals of Winter,
let her whisper for Summer,
after the rain floods your gown.
Please note that I do not have a fancy camera, But I can pretend can't I?.