Well! Here I am in blog world, I have been wanting to do this for a while and I thought, that today, my 30th birthday would be a good day to start. I am now officially old. Some of the people in my household seem to think it was the olden days back when I was growing up. Yeah, ya know back when there were typewriters and cassette tapes. Now I know how my mother felt when I said that to her. Its funny the way children view their parents sometimes. Sometimes the things they do can just melt my heart. Today R and the kids decorated the kitchen in streamers, banners and balloons while I was off at school. It was such a pleasant surprise and it means a lot to me. I am so grateful and happy that I am alive today, and that I have such a wonderful family. Today I am 30. I am starting a new chapter in my life as our world starts a new chapter in history at the same time.